John Duffin

John Duffin is a printmaker and painter well known for his striking black and white prints focusing on great architecture, depictions of modern life in urban environments and city streets at different times of day. John Duffin began printmaking whist studying BA Fine Art at Goldsmiths’ College in London. He was drawn to printmaking by his fondness of Edward Hopper’s early prints, with his incredible use of light and shadow and the shared ability to capture dynamic representations of modern urban life.

John works from small pencil sketches he creates whilst out walking in the city streets gathering inspiration.  He works mainly in black ink on bright white paper resulting in dynamic contrasts between shadows and highlights. John Duffin plays with view point, with the perspective often tilted so that the viewer is made to look down from above onto the buildings and structures within his etchings, giving a strong, impressive feel.

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